I don't fly over water very often.
Overwater flight emergencies may be rare, but when they do occur, safety measures must be in place.
Aircraft are equipped with ELTs and life rafts for similar reasons—to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

I already have an ELT and life raft
ELTs only send distress signals; they do not guide pilots to the safest landing option.
ERGO BLUE provides a real-time navigation solution -- which integrates with ForeFlight -- plus the ability to speak with the rescue vessels' crew.
why bother with an app in a high-stress emergency?
On the contrary, the app is designed to facilitate rapid decision-making and can be used in high-pressure situations with minimal input.
ERGO BLUE provides a visual picture of your aircraft relative to ships in the area, which aids in intuitive decision making. The press of a button also initiates the real-time Mayday call with your position, which updates as it changes.